Die Maus e.V. Staatarchiv Bremen

Bremen Passenger Lists

A Project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Staatsarchiv
Handelskammer Bremen

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From ' Cservenka ' the following persons used this passages:

Magdalena Baumbach am 10 Okt 1908 on the ship 'Grosser Kurfürst' from Bremen to New York.
Janos Beni am 24 Okt 1908 on the ship 'Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm' from Bremen to New York.
Anna Diener am 21 Oktober 1913 on the ship 'Kronprinzessin Cecilie' from Bremen to New York.
Louise Diener am 21 Oktober 1913 on the ship 'Kronprinzessin Cecilie' from Bremen to New York.
Ferdinand Febel am 24 Februar 1914 on the ship 'Kaiser Wilhelm II' from Bremen to New York.
Julia Febel am 24 Februar 1914 on the ship 'Kaiser Wilhelm II' from Bremen to New York.
Peter Febel am 24 Februar 1914 on the ship 'Kaiser Wilhelm II' from Bremen to New York.
Peter Febel am 24 Februar 1914 on the ship 'Kaiser Wilhelm II' from Bremen to New York.
Teres Febel am 24 Februar 1914 on the ship 'Kaiser Wilhelm II' from Bremen to New York.
Adam Gottl am 15 November 1913 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Fülöp Gottl am 15 November 1913 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Gustav Gottl am 15 November 1913 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Janos Gottl am 15 November 1913 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Katalin Gottl am 15 November 1913 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Luisa Gottl am 15 November 1913 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Margit Gottl am 15 November 1913 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Ferencz Grundl am 14 Nov 1908 on the ship 'Grosser Kurfürst' from Bremen to New York.
Louise Göttl am 15 November 1913 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Katharina Hironimus am 10 Okt 1908 on the ship 'Grosser Kurfürst' from Bremen to New York.
Kristina Hoffmann am 20 Dezember 1913 on the ship 'Barbarossa' from Bremen to New York.
Marie Hoffmann am 20 Dezember 1913 on the ship 'Barbarossa' from Bremen to New York.
Terez Hofmann am 24 Okt 1908 on the ship 'Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm' from Bremen to New York.
Margit Krumbach am 20 Dezember 1913 on the ship 'Barbarossa' from Bremen to New York.
Elisabeth Leinweber am 26 Oktober 1907 on the ship 'Trave' from Bremen to New York.
Peter Leinweber am 26 Oktober 1907 on the ship 'Trave' from Bremen to New York.
Krisztina Metz am 07 Nov 1908 on the ship 'Friedrich der Grosse' from Bremen to New York.
Jakob Neiter am 14 Nov 1908 on the ship 'Grosser Kurfürst' from Bremen to New York.
Georg Opratt am 26 Oktober 1907 on the ship 'Trave' from Bremen to New York.
Adam Schneider am 26 Oktober 1907 on the ship 'Trave' from Bremen to New York.
Terez Schneider am 26 Oktober 1907 on the ship 'Trave' from Bremen to New York.
Anna Schwarcz am 07 Nov 1908 on the ship 'Friedrich der Grosse' from Bremen to New York.
Jakob Staudt am 07 Nov 1908 on the ship 'Friedrich der Grosse' from Bremen to New York.
Josef Stefan am 16 August 1913 on the ship 'Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm' from Bremen to New York.
Fred Wöbel am 14 Apr 1908 on the ship 'Kaiser Wilhelm II' from Bremen to New York.
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