Details to the Lists and their Acquisition
Normally a page contains 30 lines.
Another Form, GP.1000.123. deviates in the heading:
Record of those with steamer......
and this page contains 31 lines.
Explanations to the passenger lists:
Question marks were used as :
? = a letter is illegible and/or not clearly identifiable.
(?) = an entry is illegible or of bad quality because of either the
handwriting or as a result of the list´s quality.
If the vessel is an American vessel, the word deutsches
is crossed-out and replaced by american.
For travellers, mostly passengers of first and second class, and especially
for US-Citizens, the word Auswanderer (emigrant) has been replaced
by Reisende (travellers).
Included were also those passengers whose names were crossed out for
unknown reasons.
Column 6 Certificate of discharge has never been filled out for that purpose. It is not transcribed.
Column 7 Family status:
led = single
verh = married
gesch = divorced
Ww = widow/er
Less important entries like family status for persons below the age
of 16, notes like child-son-daughter-relative, and professions like none/without,
are not transcribed. If for a single travelling spouse, or child, the profession of the husband/father is indicated, it has been carried forward.
Occasionally missing numbers in the computer-lists indicate that
there are no entries shown in that line. Numbers within the same company/agent
and identical cabin class are not always in consecutive order, but run
1-30 on each page.
Passengers who are listed only with its surname while the other columns
show the word priv. come under the adjustment of law for personal
Conforming to the Bremen Archives Law (Bremisches Archivgesetz from 07 mai
1991, BremGBl. 1991 p. 159 and Bremische Archivbenutzungsordnung from 01
march 1993, BremGBl. 1993 p. 99) the period of dataprotection terminats 90
years beyond birth, if the date of death is unknown. So all childs come
under this adjustment of law
who are in the lists of | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | ff. |
younger than | 9 y | 10 y | 11 y | 12 y | 13 y | 14 y | 15 y | 16 y | 17 y | ff. |
Various Nationalities of former german states (e.g. Bavaria,
Wuerttemberg) have been standardized as Deutsch. For other than
german nationalities the name of the nation is given in 1990s german
Entries in the column 10 (State or Province) are to avoid mix-ups
of places of residence. Some entries indicate that instead the origin provinces/early
german states of travellers were written down.
Original Example:
Family name |
Place of residence |
Nationality |
State or Province |
Husband |
München |
Bayern |
Spouse |
München |
Bayern |
Hessen |
transcribed as:
Family name |
Place of residence |
Nationality |
State or Province |
Husband |
München |
Deutsch |
Bayern |
Spouse |
München |
Deutsch |
Hessen |
Columns 11 & 12 (Profession & Position): They were hardly
filled out separately. Accordingly, entries were consolidated as one.
Column 13 (Destination of migration): In the case of migration
to the U.S.A. often places and US-states are mentioned.
For Southamerica and Australia the destination harbour or a region, i.e. Southbrasil, is written down.
A separate column has been added US-State to allow easier search.
US-states were only added if the city could clearly be identified.(Major
source being used : Rand Mc.Nally Road Atlas)
Sometimes the english text see col. 11 is mentioned. In the 'List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the USA' the column 11 is 'Place of Birth', so this means the passenger is going back home.
Places of residence / Destination of migration:
It has not been possible in all cases to clearly identify those because
of individual handwriting. Transcribed is what could be read. Obvious errors
were corrected. (Source is the ADAC Road Atlas Europe).
We have added another column, called Bemerkungen (Remarks)
Peoples names that were crossed out, show the remark gestrichen in
this column.
Some passengers are listed twice, doppelt, due to lists of two agencies.