Die Maus e.V. Staatarchiv Bremen

Bremen Passenger Lists

A Project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Staatsarchiv
Handelskammer Bremen

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From ' Elgin ' the following persons used this passages:

Alfs Anderson am 12 März 1914 on the ship 'Breslau' from Bremen to New York.
Elizabeth Betz am 11 Januar 1930 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Hedwig Beyer am 15 Februar 1935 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Fritz Breuer am 24 März 1907 on the ship 'Rhein' from Bremen to New York.
Hermann Gebbert am 07 Juni 1922 on the ship 'America' from Bremen to New York.
Magne Haukland am 28 Juli 1932 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Johann Horeth am 28 April 1928 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Helmes Lohonnssen am 12 März 1914 on the ship 'Breslau' from Bremen to New York.
Hermann Magnusson am 12 März 1914 on the ship 'Breslau' from Bremen to New York.
Valeska Nickel am 03 August 1921 on the ship 'Hudson' from Bremen to New York.
Friedrich Oehler am 31 Juli 1930 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Elise Schmidgall am 16 Januar 1927 on the ship 'Columbus' from to New York.
Karl Schmidgall am 23 März 1927 on the ship 'President Roosevelt' from Bremen to New York.
Elisabeth Schreiber am 02 Mai 1934 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Karl Schuerpf am 25 August 1928 on the ship 'Sierra Cordoba' from Bremen to New York.
Hattie Schuerpf am 25 August 1928 on the ship 'Sierra Cordoba' from Bremen to New York.
Elisabeth Woll am 04 Dezember 1929 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Erwin Woll am 04 Dezember 1929 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
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