Die Maus e.V. Staatarchiv Bremen

Bremen Passenger Lists

A Project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Staatsarchiv
Handelskammer Bremen

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From ' Erding ' the following persons used this passages:

Sebastian Anzinger am 18 August 1926 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Anni Apoiger am 13 Juni 1939 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Max Birnkammer am 05 Januar 1928 on the ship 'Berlin' from Bremen to New York.
Jakob Birnkammer am 16 Juli 1936 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Marie Duschek am 16 März 1926 on the ship 'München' from Bremen to New York.
Therese Engelhardt am 02 April 1925 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Maria Franzl am 30 Mai 1932 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Simon Franzl am 06 April 1926 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Andreas Frei am 16 Dezember 1925 on the ship 'Sierra Cordoba' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Genovefa Fuchs am 20 März 1930 on the ship 'Dresden' from Bremen to New York.
Gustav Garbrecht am 25 September 1930 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Anna Garbrecht am 25 September 1930 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Gottlieb Garbrecht am 25 September 1930 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Frieda Garbrecht am 25 September 1930 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Max Gerstl am 29 April 1922 on the ship 'Gotha' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Emilie Gerstl am 29 April 1922 on the ship 'Gotha' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Max Gerstl am 29 April 1922 on the ship 'Gotha' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Christine Greimel am 18 September 1927 on the ship 'Sierra Ventana' from Bremen to New York.
Georg Greimel am 22 August 1926 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Ursula Herrmann am 21 Juni 1928 on the ship 'Karlsruhe' from Bremen to New York.
Maria Kindelberger am 17 Januar 1926 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Theresia Knecht am 05 Mai 1927 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
August Knecht am 02 April 1925 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Joseph Knidlberger am 24 März 1926 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Hans Knidlberger am 23 Februar 1927 on the ship 'President Roosevelt' from Bremen to New York.
August Kopp am 21 Juli 1930 on the ship 'Werra' from Bremen to Funchal, Portugal.
Hans Leutner am 03 Dezember 1927 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Maria Mayr am 25 August 1927 on the ship 'Yorck' from Bremen to New York.
Anton Neumair am 06 April 1938 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Sebastian Scheibl am 07 Februar 1925 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Josef Schmidbauer am 24 März 1926 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Elisabeth Schneider am 18 September 1927 on the ship 'Sierra Ventana' from Bremen to New York.
Rosa Simmet am 18 Oktober 1928 on the ship 'Karlsruhe' from Bremen to New York.
Rosemarie Simmet am 18 Oktober 1928 on the ship 'Karlsruhe' from Bremen to New York.
Josef Stoiber am 26 Februar 1928 on the ship 'Karlsruhe' from Bremen to New York.
Alois Strasser am 19 Dezember 1926 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Richard Strasser am 24 März 1926 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Hedwig Weinig am 05 Mai 1927 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Lothar Weinmiller am 06 Juli 1927 on the ship 'München' from Bremen to New York.
Alois Wimmer am 02 März 1937 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
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