Die Maus e.V. Staatarchiv Bremen

Bremen Passenger Lists

A Project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Staatsarchiv
Handelskammer Bremen

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From ' Godesberg ' the following persons used this passages:

Jacob Bach am 29 November 1922 on the ship 'America' from Bremen to New York.
Anna Maria Bach am 29 November 1922 on the ship 'America' from Bremen to New York.
Fritz Berg am 15 Februar 1927 on the ship 'München' from Bremen to New York.
Rudolph Bitterberg am 13 August 1907 on the ship 'Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse' from Bremen to New York.
Luise Boeker am 14 Januar 1938 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Katharina Brockert am 02 August 1922 on the ship 'Yorck' from Bremen to New York.
Rene Busse am 03 Mai 1928 on the ship 'Derfflinger' from Bremen to Halifax, Kanada.
Petronella Busse am 03 Mai 1928 on the ship 'Derfflinger' from Bremen to Halifax, Kanada.
Elli Dickori am 09 Oktober 1926 on the ship 'Köln' from Bremen to Santos, Brasilien.
Gert Dickori am 09 Oktober 1926 on the ship 'Köln' from Bremen to Santos, Brasilien.
Katherina Dyk, van am 10 April 1937 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Herbert Eigen am 11 November 1926 on the ship 'Berlin' from Bremen to New York.
Helene Fensch am 13 Oktober 1923 on the ship 'Köln' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Hans Fensch am 24 Februar 1923 on the ship 'Yorck' from Bremen to New York.
Sophie Franke am 03 April 1937 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Hedwig Gabel am 09 Januar 1926 on the ship 'Weser' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Peter Garschagen am 08 Mai 1926 on the ship 'Weser' from Bremen to Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.
Emilie Gath am 24 August 1934 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Agnes Giesen am 15 Juni 1932 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Gerhilt Giessler am 21 Oktober 1926 on the ship 'München' from Bremen to New York.
Th. Gunkel am 13 Oktober 1923 on the ship 'Köln' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Heinrich Heister am 07 August 1930 on the ship 'Berlin' from Bremen to New York.
Magda Henseler am 23 Juni 1932 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Gerhard Hentzen am 18 November 1933 on the ship 'Seattle' from Bremen-Freihafen to La Libertad, El Salvador.
Gertrude Jonas am 13 September 1934 on the ship 'General von Steuben' from Bremen to New York.
Heinrich Kamper am 05 September 1925 on the ship 'Lützow' from Bremen to New York.
Hulda Knoop am 23 April 1927 on the ship 'Weser' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Albertin Kotzott am 14 Februar 1939 on the ship 'General von Steuben' from Bremen to Genua, Italien.
Christine Kraemer am 03 Oktober 1932 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Otto Kühne am 29 Juli 1939 on the ship 'Orotava' from Bremen to Kanarische Inseln, Spanien.
Martha Kühne am 29 Juli 1939 on the ship 'Orotava' from Bremen to Kanarische Inseln, Spanien.
Edgar Lihn am 03 März 1928 on the ship 'Sierra Morena' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Ludwig Menne am 21 Juni 1923 on the ship 'München' from Bremen to New York.
Peter Messinger am 19 Mai 1939 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Katharina Messinger am 19 Mai 1939 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Lilly Milchien am 24 Juni 1922 on the ship 'Köln' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Margarethe Milchien am 24 Juni 1922 on the ship 'Köln' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Clara Müller am 14 April 1926 on the ship 'Berlin' from Bremen to New York.
Else Pohle am 15 Oktober 1928 on the ship 'America' from Bremen to New York.
Renate Pohle am 15 Oktober 1928 on the ship 'America' from Bremen to New York.
Gunther Pohle am 15 Oktober 1928 on the ship 'America' from Bremen to New York.
Paul Richter am 31 März 1930 on the ship 'Sierra Ventana' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Hans Ringstorff am 30 Juli 1925 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Hermann Roloff am 03 Oktober 1925 on the ship 'Weser' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Gertrud Roloff am 03 Oktober 1925 on the ship 'Weser' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Helene Rosbitzki, von am 13 Oktober 1923 on the ship 'Köln' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Johann Schmidt am 24 März 1926 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Arthur Seeler am 01 Februar 1935 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Emil Senff am 13 Dezember 1922 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Willi Stallberg am 13 Juni 1939 on the ship 'Gneisenau' from Bremen to Genua, Italien.
Margarete Stolle am 07 September 1932 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Karl Stricker am 24 Mai 1927 on the ship 'Berlin' from Bremen to New York.
Gertrud Stricker am 24 Mai 1927 on the ship 'Berlin' from Bremen to New York.
Helmuth Stricker am 24 Mai 1927 on the ship 'Berlin' from Bremen to New York.
Clara Velten am 27 März 1926 on the ship 'Köln' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Käthi Walbrühl am 05 Februar 1927 on the ship 'Weser' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Irene Walbröl am 22 September 1926 on the ship 'President Roosevelt' from Bremen to New York.
Hedwig Weil am 30 Mai 1926 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Jacob Weill am 16 Oktober 1930 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Heinrich Wulf am 13 April 1927 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Fritz Zimmet am 07 Juni 1922 on the ship 'America' from Bremen to New York.
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