Die Maus e.V. Staatarchiv Bremen

Bremen Passenger Lists

A Project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Staatsarchiv
Handelskammer Bremen

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From ' Goettingen ' the following persons used this passages:

Gertrud Albrecht am 25 April 1938 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to Southampton, England.
Ilse Benfey am 11 August 1934 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Julius Binder, Dr. am 05 August 1932 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to Southampton, England.
August Bode am 12 Februar 1931 on the ship 'Dresden' from Bremen to New York.
Walter Boehme am 05 August 1932 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to Southampton, England.
Gertrude Breithaupt am 20 Oktober 1928 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Giesela Breithaupt am 20 Oktober 1928 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Guenther Cario am 11 Oktober 1927 on the ship 'Dresden' from Bremen to New York.
Mathilde Cario am 11 Oktober 1927 on the ship 'Dresden' from Bremen to New York.
Irmgard Cludius am 05 August 1932 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to Southampton, England.
Richard Courant am 11 August 1934 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Verina Courant am 11 August 1934 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Ernst David Courant am 11 August 1934 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Gertrud Courant am 11 August 1934 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Hans Courant am 11 August 1934 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Leonore Courant am 11 August 1934 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Max Deuring am 15 September 1932 on the ship 'General von Steuben' from Bremen to New York.
Richard Elzner am 18 November 1922 on the ship 'Yorck' from Bremen to New York.
Ernst Froemming am 14 Oktober 1938 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Louise Froemming am 14 Oktober 1938 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Hermine Hessler am 30 September 1934 on the ship 'Sierra Salvada' from Bremen to Funchal, Portugal.
Walter Holscher am 05 August 1932 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to Southampton, England.
Elisabeth Holtmann am 18 November 1922 on the ship 'Yorck' from Bremen to New York.
Margarethe Koenig am 14 Oktober 1938 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Walter Krauspe am 12 August 1932 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Persis Ladd am 30 Oktober 1936 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to Southampton, England.
Thilde Machlet am 30 Oktober 1936 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Hedwig Miller am 27 August 1938 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Anna Niehoff am 20 Oktober 1928 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Hilde Paquin am 04 März 1938 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to Southampton, England.
Friedrich Wilhelm Rinke am 31 August 1931 on the ship 'Sierra Cordoba' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Charlotte Saure am 14 Juli 1938 on the ship 'Berlin' from Bremen to Gesellschaftsreise, Schottl.-Isl.-Norwegen Juli 1938.
Wilhelm Saure, Dr. am 14 Juli 1938 on the ship 'Berlin' from Bremen to Gesellschaftsreise, Schottl.-Isl.-Norwegen Juli 1938.
Ernst Schaefer am 05 August 1932 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to Southampton, England.
Elisabeth Schappe am 06 Juni 1936 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to Southampton, England.
Reiner Schmidt am 01 Juni 1939 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to Southampton, England.
Wilhelm Schoeneis am 14 Juni 1938 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Kathleen Schulz am 03 September 1935 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Joh. Heinrich Schulz, Dr. am 06 Juni 1936 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Grete Stichnoth am 30 Oktober 1936 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Friedrich Trage am 30 Oktober 1936 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Wilma Vollmer am 23 November 1931 on the ship 'Sierra Morena' from Bremen to Lissabon, Portugal.
Ferdinand Wagner am 03 Januar 1936 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Adelheid Wedemeyer am 04 Oktober 1921 on the ship 'Princess Matoika' from Bremen to New York.
Frieda Wuestefeld am 30 Oktober 1936 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
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