Die Maus e.V. Staatarchiv Bremen

Bremen Passenger Lists

A Project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Staatsarchiv
Handelskammer Bremen

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From ' Janow ' the following persons used this passages:

Stanislaw Baranski am 02 Mai 1923 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Ludevika Baranski am 02 Mai 1923 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Elstachius Baranski am 02 Mai 1923 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Josefa Baranski am 02 Mai 1923 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Haelke Berger am 28 Februar 1914 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Rosa Bindler am 07 Dezember 1920 on the ship 'Susquehanna' from Bremen to New York.
Berel Bindler am 07 Dezember 1920 on the ship 'Susquehanna' from Bremen to New York.
Maische Bindler am 07 Dezember 1920 on the ship 'Susquehanna' from Bremen to New York.
Chane Bindler am 07 Dezember 1920 on the ship 'Susquehanna' from Bremen to New York.
Chaim Bindler am 07 Dezember 1920 on the ship 'Susquehanna' from Bremen to New York.
Hersch Blostein am 25 Juli 1925 on the ship 'Werra' from Bremen to Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
Taube Burstein am 25 Oktober 1922 on the ship 'America' from Bremen to New York.
Nachmen Clotz am 01 März 1907 on the ship 'Oldenburg' from Bremen to Baltimore, USA.
Mojsche Feldkimel am 07 Nov 1908 on the ship 'Friedrich der Grosse' from Bremen to New York.
Isak Feldkimel am 07 Nov 1908 on the ship 'Friedrich der Grosse' from Bremen to New York.
Szlama Feller am 28 Juni 1922 on the ship 'Vedic' from Bremen to Quebec, Kanada.
Moische Ginsburg am 01 Juli 1922 on the ship 'Hannover' from Bremen to New York.
Reise Ginsburg am 01 Juli 1922 on the ship 'Hannover' from Bremen to New York.
Meyer Ginsburg am 01 Juli 1922 on the ship 'Hannover' from Bremen to New York.
Maria Gisczak am 02 Mai 1923 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Tadeusz Gisczak am 02 Mai 1923 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Miesczyslawa Gisczak am 02 Mai 1923 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Henryk Gisczak am 02 Mai 1923 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Udla Haut am 21 Oktober 1920 on the ship 'Susquehanna' from Bremen to New York.
Mordka Haut am 21 Oktober 1920 on the ship 'Susquehanna' from Bremen to New York.
Lejka Haut am 21 Oktober 1920 on the ship 'Susquehanna' from Bremen to New York.
Chawa Haut am 21 Oktober 1920 on the ship 'Susquehanna' from Bremen to New York.
Golda Hoffmann am 5 November 1907 on the ship 'Seydlitz' from Bremen to New York.
Dora Liebermann am 25 Oktober 1922 on the ship 'America' from Bremen to New York.
Kasimiera Malinowska am 19 Mai 1925 on the ship 'President Harding' from Bremen to New York.
Czeslaw Malinowska am 19 Mai 1925 on the ship 'President Harding' from Bremen to New York.
Anna Mazurek am 18 Apr 1908 on the ship 'Grosser Kurfürst' from Bremen to New York.
Michal Mazurek am 18 Apr 1908 on the ship 'Grosser Kurfürst' from Bremen to New York.
Abram Purycz am 4 Dezember 1913 on the ship 'Main' from Bremen to New York.
Chiel Schleicher am 5 November 1907 on the ship 'Seydlitz' from Bremen to New York.
Chaje Liebe Wang am 28 Februar 1914 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Perlia Wang am 28 Februar 1914 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Zahlmen Waschitzky am 30 März 1907 on the ship 'Brandenburg' from Bremen to New York.
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