Die Maus e.V. Staatarchiv Bremen

Bremen Passenger Lists

A Project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Staatsarchiv
Handelskammer Bremen

Emigration > Passengerlists

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From ' Neufra ' the following persons used this passages:

Joseph Bertsche am 18 Oktober 1921 on the ship 'George Washington' from Bremen to New York.
Katharina Bertsche am 19 Juli 1928 on the ship 'Dresden' from Bremen to New York.
Georg Bortsche am 07 Februar 1925 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Max Daikeler am 09 Dezember 1927 on the ship 'Columbus' from Bremen to New York.
Mathilde Glillhart am 19 März 1930 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Karl Guter am 21 Juli 1926 on the ship 'Sierra Ventana' from Bremen to New York.
Ludwig Held am 12 Februar 1930 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Hermann Klotz am 20 Februar 1930 on the ship 'Dresden' from Bremen to Halifax, Kanada.
Damian Lenze am 14 Juli 1926 on the ship 'President Harding' from Bremen to New York.
Alfons Lobmiller am 05 Juni 1926 on the ship 'Lützow' from Bremen to New York.
Sofie Lorch am 14 Juli 1926 on the ship 'President Harding' from Bremen to New York.
Adolf Maier am 19 November 1935 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
Johann Maier am 07 Februar 1925 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Susanna Ritter am 22 Januar 1930 on the ship 'Bremen' from Bremen to New York.
Wilhelm Saueter am 13 Januar 1926 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Anton Steimer am 07 Februar 1925 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Jacob Steiner am 07 Februar 1925 on the ship 'Stuttgart' from Bremen to New York.
Josef Weber am 16 Januar 1927 on the ship 'Columbus' from to New York.
Pia Weber am 10 Mai 1935 on the ship 'Europa' from Bremen to New York.
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